Church Services
Sunday Service at 10:30 am
Sunday mornings we sing hymns, pray, and use the lesson-sermon from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered Christian Science. Together, these two books are the pastor for the Churches of Christ, Scientist, worldwide and they speak in a way that is relevant to every age and culture. In each lesson, Bible passages are amplified and explained by related passages from Science and Health. The references used in each sermon are printed in The Christian Science Quarterly and are the basis for daily study. You are welcome to join in this pursuit of a deeper understanding of God and His creation.
Children up to the age of 20 are warmly invited to attend our Sunday School which also meets at 10:30am each Sunday. Free childcare is always provided for those too young to attend Sunday School.
Everyone is welcome at our services. Christian Science churches and societies all around the world hold services every Sunday morning and every Wednesday evening. We invite you to join us! You will hear readings from our Pastor (the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy) that are selected to comfort, uplift, and heal.
Click HERE to join virtually
(Zoom audio only)
Meeting ID: 843 6868 9351
Passcode: 860455
Dial on your phone:
+1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 843 6868 9351
Passcode: 860455

Wednesday Testimony Meeting at 7:30 pm
Hear how others are applying Christian Science in their daily lives at our weekly testimony meetings. Each Wednesday evening the service includes singing, prayer, and topical readings from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. In addition, church members and visitors share their inspiration and healing experiences based on their spiritual study and prayer. Free childcare is always provided.
If you are attending virtually and would like to submit a testimony or note of gratitude, you may email it to sccslouisville@gmail.com and it will be read during the service.

Click HERE to join virtually
(Zoom audio only)
Meeting ID: 856 2791 9623
Passcode: 419047
Dial on your phone:
+1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 856 2791 9623
Passcode: 419047

Every Sunday: 10:30AM
Every Wednesday: 7:30PM
Every Sunday: 10:30AM
Available on both Sunday and Wednesday, located in the Children's Room