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-Church History-

Christian Science Church, Louisville KY

The Church obtained its charter July 31, 1916, and was incorporated on that date. Four years later, larger quarters were needed and a search resulted in purchase of a church building at 738 South Fourth Street in June, 1920. Second Church occupied this edifice until June, 1954, the property having been sold the previous April.


Property at 4125 Shelbyville Road was purchased August 29, 1952. After leaving the Fourth Street edifice, Second Church held services in the Crescent Hill Woman’s Club auditorium, 2641 Grinstead Drive, during July, August and part of September, 1954, while a house then located on the Shelbyville Road property was remodeled. The first service in the remodeled building was held on September 29, 1954. Services were continued there until the new Church edifice on the same property was completed. The first service in the Church took place January 7, 1957. The dedication service, which could occur only when when all debt on the project was paid, was held on November 19, 1967.


In 1879, Mary Baker Eddy founded the First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, “a church designed to commemorate the word and works of our Master, which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing.” She had spent many years searching for practical, permanent solutions to the challenges in her life. She discovered the laws of God, as practiced by Christ Jesus, that enabled her to gain control of her life and triumph over obstacles such as divorce, homelessness, family rejection, and chronic poor health.


Mrs. Eddy devoted her life to sharing with others this scientific, spiritual system of healing. In addition to healing thousands, teaching others to heal, and giving public talks, she wrote and published many books and articles explaining these revolutionary ideas. She also founded the award winning daily newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor. The Monitor, and Mrs.Eddy’s writings are available in our Reading Room.


Because of the healing work being done by earnest workers, interest in Christian Science in Louisville was rapidly increasing and attendance at church services was steadily growing larger.


In view of this, in the early part of 1916 a group of earnest Christian Scientists called a conference to determine the advisability of organizing a new branch of The Mother Church.


After thoughtful consideration and prayer for divine guidance, it was decided to go forward. A meeting was held May 3, 1916, at which it was voted to organize and establish Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Louisville, Kentucky. The Church was recognized as a branch of The Mother Church on June 29, 1916.


There was great joy and inspiration in the preparatory work and many beautiful demonstrations were made in securing quarters for holding services and locating a Reading Room. The Elks Hall, then located at 316 West Walnut Street, was obtained for the services and the first service was held the first Sunday in May, 1916.


Church: The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon

and proceeds from divine Principle.”

– Mary Baker Eddy –

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